Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Police and Public Drunkenness

I can't vouch for all police officers in South Korea, so this post is focused on my limited exposure to police in Yeonsu Gu, Incheon. 

I am amazed every time I see how police officers deal with public drunkenness- drunk men in particular. There is no slamming of handcuffs and throwing them into the backseat of the cruiser. Instead, I've seen calmly talking with the man to encourage him to not sleep on the sidewalk corner. Walking home last night  a Tuesday!, I witnessed two police officers gently 'working with' a drunk man to help him sit up and, I think, talk to him about just getting home. He was almost completely passed out but the one officer had his hand gently holding the man up; almost babying the poor guy. Perhaps drinking large quantities of soju every night is a habit that should be avoided?

My friend's blog provides wonderful pictures to help better capture this situation.

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