Thursday, September 16, 2010


These two students are anything but pests, but they did bring a cicada to class!

With only 35 days left in Korea, I realized today that I have successfully (and frustratingly) been dealing with household bugs the entire time I've lived here. I have a routine when I get home- turn on the lights, immediately look around for anything trying to find a hiding place and hopefully they all find somewhere to go until I fall asleep. There are some things I never thought I'd mentally be able to deal with, living with bugs is one of them. But, alas, the human mind adapts!

A little critter on Cheongryang Mountain in my neighborhood.

On another note, two of the biggest pests I know are coming to Korea tomorrow.... my parents! :) They aren't really pests, but felt it was a nice transition! They'll be here for ten days and it's sure to be interesting. Next week is Chuseok, Korean Thanksgiving, and we've been invited to spend the holiday with my Korean relatives for authentic Chuseok festivities (food and games.) Updates next week!

They are in the air right now... Delta, don't mess it up!

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