Thursday, December 24, 2009

Is it really Christmas Eve?

It's hard to believe it's Christmas Eve... just got home from work and am officially starting my vacation (10 full days!) My Christmas Eve dinner consists of a glass of wine (compliments of Chile) and a bowl of cereal. Unfortunately, I didn't portion out the cereal and milk appropriately, so while my cereal box is still good for another bowl, the milk's all used up. This particular holiday bowl is cereal with a splash of milk.

KKW Christmas festivities:

There isn't much Christmas hype around Yeonsu (aside from the dance party Christmas Music Baskin Robbins blasts 24/7). But, today my school had our "Christmas party." Through out the day, we had three different Golden Bell Word Contests (three different levels). For the first couple of rounds, my supervisor said the definitions in Korean and they had to write the English word. For the harder rounds, that's when I came in. They all groaned because they knew it would be more difficult, but they survived. We dined on tteokbokki and bags of different "chips." I think I ate tteokbokki on and off for 7 hrs. It was amazing.

Not sure if Santa will be able to find my place this year... all the apartment buildings tend to look alike and the fog/smog can be thick. Hopefully, Rudolph will help him out.  (yep, I went there. made Rudolph red... all this teaching is starting to get to me... I'm corny enough as it is!)


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