Monday, December 7, 2009

Ice Skating!

After a fun night out in Hongdae (Seoul) on Saturday, I went to Lotte World to go ice skating with my cousin, Kelly (English name). It was a blast! Lotte World is like a department store kicked up a million notches. In the center is the ice rink (it's huge... and on a Sunday afternoon, it was packed although this picture doesn't do it justice), and on the third floor is somewhat of an "amusement park."

There were kids, adults and elderly people all skating and falling all over the place. It was hilarious. In the center of the rink there were lessons going on and some of the young girls were amazing figure skaters.

While it was quite a hike to get to, it was definitely worth it and a fun winter activity. Oh, and right after we got there, there was a show on the ice with a marching band and a woman sang Christmas songs. Happy Christmas Seoul!

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