Monday, August 2, 2010

Jisan Valley Rock Festival

Spent the beginnings of my summer vacation in Jisan Valley at the ski resort- Jisan Valley Rock Festival.

Spectacular weekend- great friends and music ~> Day 1 had Pet Shop Boys headlining the main stage and Day 2 had Corinne Bailey Rae & MUSE.

Day 1
Miller Genuine Draft 'Rock' Tent

The crew from TOMS Shoes, Inc
TOMS is a unique shoe company that combines business and philanthropy. Their motto is "One for One" - for each pair of shoes sold, they will donate a pair of shoes to a child in need. I'll say first hand that I'm a huge fan of the shoes; they are incredibly comfortable and really cute.  Plus, it's a feel-good purchase knowing you're doing a little something to help out.
Day 2

Corinne Bailey Rae - a joyful performance - she was amazing!!!
Corinne Bailey Rae was incredible. Her music is soulful and her performance was truly filled with joy. She was smiling and radiating so much positive energy. The whole crowd fell in love with her.

MUSE Jisan Valley, 8/1/2010

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