Sunday, March 21, 2010

St. Paddy's in Seoul

 For St. Patrick's Day this year, the Irish Association of Korea held a parade and outdoor festivities on Saturday, March 20th. While I wasn't able to attend, I was able to get to an Irish Pub in Itaewon (Seoul) for a post-parade Guinness with some real, authentic Irish people (particularly my friend Becky and her friend Miriam, who was here on holiday from Ireland.)

Following the Irish Pub, we were able to get into a private party for SMOE, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, and enjoy a packed room of English teachers! Little did they know we teach in Incheon (hehehe, jokes on them!)

After a little dancing in Hongdae, we went for a snack then decided our vocal chords needed a workout--- to the Noraebang!
A fine establishment for tteokbokki!

Miriam, Melissa and Becky singing their hearts out.

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